Semiconductor devices conduct electricity between an insulator and a metal. Most often made of silicon — hence the Silicon Valley moniker— these small pieces of hardware are built into the electronic devices we use every day.
Ottawa’s semiconductor companies make diodes, transistors, resistors; sensors and actuators; integrated circuits and optoelectronics. These highly technical components are critical to the function of electronic devices ranging from computers to cars. Given the proliferation of AI technology in recent years, these small pieces of hardware have become even more crucial to some of our daily computing needs. Ottawa’s semiconductor companies are some of the top producers and designers of these tiny, important chips.
Ottawa Semiconductor Companies
- Intel Corporation
- NXP Semiconductors
- Cadence Design Systems
- Microchip Technology Inc.
- Ciena
Semiconductor Companies in Ottawa to Know
Technology company Intel Corporation makes a wide range of hardware and software products. It is best known as the developer of central processing units that use the x86 architecture and is the largest manufacturer in the world of both CPUs and semiconductors. Intel has been a significant recipient of government onshoring initiative funding in the United States, which in turn has supported its global operations in Canada and beyond.
NXP Semiconductors is a specialty manufacturer of technology for IoT and other connected devices. Its 5G semiconductors, which are largely manufactured using the company’s in-house facilities, are used in automotive, industrial and communication infrastructure applications, as well as for IoT devices like fleet vehicle tracking and smart home systems.
Cadence Design Systems is a technology company that makes software and hardware for computing. The company’s origins are in electronic design automation software, which is used by the semiconductor industry. Since its founding, Cadence has added the design of related products to its primary focal areas. The company now provides integrated circuits, systems on chips, or SoCs, and printed circuit boards in addition to semiconductors.
Microchip Technology Inc. is a semiconductor manufacturer. Its product lines focus on connected computer processing hardware, including microcontrollers and microprocessors. The company, which was awarded $162 million in funding from the United States government, also offers “Microchip University,” a portfolio of technical training courses and special events on niche engineering topics relevant to microchip design and production.
Ciena is an IT networking company that makes hardware and software. It offers both products and services, with product lines divided into four categories: optical networking, routing and switching, multi-layer network control, and intelligent automation. Its semiconductor design uses leading-edge technology to increase spectral efficiency and circuit optimization.